As at Jan 2024, Northern Hemisphere flu vaccines stocks are limited, kindly contact the clinic to check stock availability before making your appointment.
Please enter the correct Corporate Appointment Code.
Add-On List
Women Vitality
Female Fertility
BreastSure Health Check-(Choose 1 of 2: U/S Breast & Mammogram), Pls state in Remarks
Immune Vitality
BoneEase Health Check
Cancer-Screen-(Choose 3 of 6: Liver(AFP), Colon(CEA), Pancreas(CA19-9), Prostate(PSA), Ovary(CA125), Breast(CA15-3)), Pls state in Remarks
Vital Organs & System-( Choose 2 of 8: U/S Breast, Liver, Pelvis, Prostate, Kidney, Mammogram, TECG and BMD), Pls state in Remarks
Choice of Test (Choose 1)
Add-on Tests (Optional) at employee's own discretion
I am booking for
Available: X-Ray (Chest), Ultrasound, Mammogram, Tonometry, Treadmill
Available: X-Ray (Chest)
Currently unavailable: Ultrasound, Mammogram, Tonometry, Treadmill
Available: X-Ray (Chest), Treadmill
Currently unavailable: Ultrasound, Mammogram, Tonometry
Available: X-Ray (Chest), Ultrasound, Treadmill, Tonometry
Currently unavailable: Mammogram
Currently unavailable: X-Ray (Chest), Ultrasound, Mammogram, Tonometry, Treadmill
Appointment time is not within valid time range
Consent for Release of Medical Information.
I understand that all health screening results are strictly confidential. As a requirement for this health screening, I hereby consent to release only my BMI and Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio information to my employer (Public Utilities Board) for the sole purpose of computing the Staff Well-Being Bonus eligibility.
* Please indicate ministry or agency name in remarks field.
Please indicate Employee Name and ID in Remarks section if you are booking on behalf of your family member.
Important Advice
1. If your package includes radiology scans (such as an ultrasound or a mammogram), scans appointments are subject to availability and may be scheduled on another day.
2. Singapore Land Tower @Raffles Place only provides ultrasound services, mammogram and tonometry services are not available.
Important Advice
If your package includes radiology scans (e.g ultrasound, mammogram), appointment slots for these imaging tests are subject to availability and may need to be scheduled on a different day.
Important Advice
This service is only available to patients who are currently receiving our PCN services or who possess a doctor's referral letter for these PCN servies.
Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
Step 1: Appoint Your Donee(s). A Donee is someone who is aged 21 and above, who will make decisions for you when you lose mental capacity.
Step 2: Login to the Office of the Public Guardian Online (OPGO) via Singpass to draft your LPA.
Step 3: Please make an online appointment with Raffles Medical before visiting clinic. Bring along your NRIC when visiting the clinic.
Step 4: When the digital LPA is accepted and registered. Donor and Donee(s) will be notified of the status.
Advance Medical Directive (AMD)
You must be at least 21 years old, of sound mind and able to make informed decisions.
Obtain and complete the AMD form at MOH website. Print both pages on a single sheet of paper.
Consult a doctor and bring along a witness. You need to have two people witness you signing the AMD and they must sign the form as witnesses in your presence. One witness must be the doctor. The second witness must be 21 years or above. As long as both witnesses have no vested interest in your demise, they would be allowed to act as witnesses. Please make an online appointment with Raffles Medical before visiting clinic.
Return the form to The Registrar of AMD The completed form should be sent in a sealed envelope by mail or by hand to the Registrar of Advance Medical Directives at Ministry of Health, Singapore, College of Medicine Building, 16 College Road, Singapore 169854.
Your AMD is only valid when it is registered with the Registrar of Advance Medical Directives. The Registrar will send you an acknowledgement when the directive has been registered.
In addition to bringing the completed AMD form, you need to bring along your NRIC / Identification documents.
Visit MOH website for more information
Important Advice
1. If your package includes radiology scans (e.g ultrasound, mammogram), appointment slots for these imaging tests are subject to availability and may need to be scheduled on a different day.
2. Singapore Land Tower @Raffles Place is unavailable for Mammogram and Tonometry services
Important Advice
1. Tonometry only available at Raffles Medical @Raffles Hospital, Holland V, Marina Bay Financial Centre and Shaw Centre.
2. If your package includes radiology scans (such as ultrasound or a mammogram), scans appointment are subject to availability and may be scheduled on another day.
* Your Corporate Services Account Manager will be able to assist you should you require further clarifications on this.
* Disclaimer:
For travel swabs:
1. Travellers should check with the authorities of their destination country on the approved testing window. Travel certs will be emailed to you within 24 to 36 hours. Please ensure that you have booked your appointment within the approved testing window period with adequate time allocated to receive your COVID-19 pre-departure PCR swab test result before your departure time. For the latest updates, do check the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority website.
Travellers are strongly advised to ensure the appointment made is within the approved testing window period, and Raffles Medical Group shall not be liable for any additional cost incurred should there be any rejection from the airlines, embassy, and authorities.
2. If you require express service for your COVID-19 pre-departure PCR swab test, you may book an appointment at the Travel Testing Centre at Raffles Hospital. Walk-ins are accepted during operating hours from Mondays to Sundays (including Public Holidays), from 8am to 5.30pm. Please proceed to either Raffles Medical clinic located at level 2 of Raffles Hospital, or the Raffles Accident and Emergency Department after 5.30pm.
An additional cost is applicable for express service. Results will be emailed to you within six hours.
3. For patients who were previously infected with COVID-19, a recovery memo can be retrieved from
4. For travellers travelling to Japan, should you require the Japan Certificate of Testing for COVID-19, you may print a copy here. Do pass the printed certificate to our registration counter for completion.
5. Raffles Medical has partnered with Accredify Health to provide verifiable digital COVID-19 pre-departure travel certificates. Travellers should note that the travel certificates will be an automated email sent by Accredify Health.
For travellers travelling to Japan requiring the Japan Certificate of Testing, your attending clinic will email the Japan Certificate of Testing separately.
* Disclaimer: NTU Convocation Antigen Rapid Test
If you have made an appointment for the NTU Convocation Antigen Rapid Test, please ensure you have your invitation letter* (the invitation letter wording may change, depending what NTU uses)
You may be rejected if you are unable to produce the official letter.
1. You will need to complete a medical consent and declaration at the clinic before the vaccine is administered.
*For CAGHS,Packages and/or additional tests with Ultrasound/Mammogram may not be completed on the appointment date for Health Screening, subject to available slots. Another appointment may be arranged by the clinic for these test(s).*
Health Screening Packages:
- For DBS Customised Packages, please click here.
Important Notice:
1. Clinics will contact you for your Radiology/Mammogram/Ultrasound appointment slots.
2. Mammogram is not available at this moment at Singapore Land Tower @ Raffles Place, and Holland Village.
Mammogram is available at MBFC, Shaw Centre & Raffles Medical @Raffles Hospital.
3. Bone Densitometry only at Raffles Medical @ Raffles Hospital.
4. Screening reports turnaround time within 2 weeks.
Important Notice:
If you would like to opt for Bone Densitometry, please call 6311 1222 to make a special arrangement.
Important Notice:
1. If your package includes radiology scans (such as an ultrasound or a mammogram), scans appointments are subject to availability and may be scheduled on another day.
2. Singapore Land Tower @ Raffles Place only provides ultrasound services, mammogram and tonometry services are not available.
Health Screening Packages:
- For META Customised Packages, please click here. here.
Important Notice:
1. If your package includes radiology scans (such as an ultrasound or a mammogram), scans appointments are subject to availability and may be scheduled on another day.
2. Singapore Land Tower @ Raffles Place only provides ultrasound services, mammogram and tonometry services are not available.
1. You will need to consult a doctor if you have not had a flu vaccine administered in Raffles Medical before.
2. You will need to complete a medical consent and declaration at the clinic before the vaccine is administered.
Note: Fasting is required for Ultrasound Liver. For more information, visit
*For your convenience, the cost of the Cancer Marker Package ($80 before GST), and/or vaccines for Shingles ($400 before GST), and/or Pneumococcal ($92.50 before GST - Pneumovax 23, $165.95 before GST – Prevenar 13) will be deducted from your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) where applicable. If the balance amount of your FSA is insufficient, the over-spent amount will be recovered from your salary.
For more details on the upgraded packages, please click here.